Yipee... Happy 2018- A challenge Post

I am not great at keeping blogs despite the fact that I really really love writing. I could tell you that for every successful fashion blogger in Kenya, I made their career by being a faithful reader, by recommending their blogs to friends and always discovering new blogs. Had I jumped on the blog wave back in 2010 I would be minting them coins by now but oh well time and tides waits for no man.

This year 2018. I want to challenge myself to write this blog at least once weekly. I believe my life is a whirlwind of sorts; in my vast 20 somethings, I am taking on a lot of experiences at a time which I believe would be a wealth of Knowledge for some people like me, I would like to document all these experiences on this blog.

Another aspect that will be highlighted on this blog is my sales experience. I do not purport to be great at sales but this blog will be an outlet to help me sieve through it and of course if you have some of you experienced leaders teach me the tricks of the trade  especially in Kenya.

I do not have many resolutions this year besides being excellent in selling and running a successful blog.

Please support my blog by sharing articles, reading and recommending to friends.

Yipee Allons- y


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