Making It in Sales

Of course some people find themselves in the sales profession, without much preparation . Perhaps you are like me and you took a chance on a possibility but now you're unaware of how to go from here to there.

The thing is, being a sales person is very much like being your own boss. In fact, I believe that every entrepreneur should have tried to do sales. Sales is definitely not for the faint hearted but it has a lot of benefits to it. For instance; autonomy- Many companies recognize the need to allow sales people to act with autonomy. Another good thing is that your perks can increase like having travel allowances, communication allowances, holidays abroad, salary is not fixed, you can earn up and one more thing, you are not an office bug. You can work from home, field and evverywhere because you should always be on call.

All these good benefits however do not come easy, you've got to move a mountain to realise your goals, just like my friend asked me the other day;

Here are essential things to know
1. Sales is a numbers game- It's like betting . You've  got to place as many odds as possible to make a win. For instance for every 100 emails sent only 10 or less will be replied. For all calls made, only 20% will be interested in what you are selling. Out of the 20% that responds only a third will  buy immediately and another 40% will know when to buy but the rest requires follow up and depending on your kind of product, the wait will be long. for b2b companies, it may be as long as one year later.
2. Priority- Shifting with new priorities
3. Follow up- It's said that most sales are made on the 4th follow up.Given the right client with the needs just follow up
4. Learn to let go of difficult customers  as well as customers who never will buy from you. the know italls. They do not care for your product or how it can help them they've set their minds on this decision. Let them be.
5. Stay motivated. Watch sales gurus like victor Antonio on YT and remain motivated.

Cheers to a week of deals. Amen


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