Who Pays the Bill?

We’ve all experienced it: That uncomfortable moment during a night out when the bill arrives. Am I picking this one up? We silently weigh our options, factoring in the people present (friends, colleagues, a date), the age of the guests, the professional expectations, and yes, sometimes even the genders involved .

You have to decide in that split second whether to reach for your wallet, and it’s not always so clear what you’re supposed to do. So here are some etiquette tips that will help you be prepared, before you face the bill.

1. Out With a Client
 This morning, I just confirmed a meeting with a prospect at a high end eatery and I am anxious about the bill. It's generally expected that I would, but  my company doesn't have a clearly defined process of how to handle this but here is a thought from the professionals at  Protocol school Texas. At work, the client comes first—and if you’re meeting her for drinks or a meal, you should treat her accordingly. It's customary for you to cover the cost, and any other expenses (coat check, taxi fare) as well. Consider footing the bill as a future investment in a good business relationship.

2. Out With Your Boss
If you’re out with your boss, either during the workday or after hours, she’ll often offer to pay—and there’s no need to argue with that. And I take carry away too because my bosses dine in fancy places and I shall not waste an opportunity to show off to family of the gourmet experience I had. My boss is totally cool with it.

3. Out with Your Co-Workers
Dining with co-workers can be tricky. At lunch, it’s generally assumed that everyone will get separate checks, but the game changes at dinner. In general, be prepared to split the bill down the middle—it’s not worth quibbling that your entrée was $2 less than everyone else’s. But, if you anticipate that the group will order multiple bottles of wine and you only drink water, don’t be afraid to speak up at the beginning of the meal and ask for a separate check.

4. On a Date
These days, general dating protocol says that the asking party should assume that he or she will pay—though society still often dictates that guys should pay for at least the first date, regardless of who asked whom. In any case, when dating, paying the bill is a sign of generosity and interest in the other person. So if your date offers to pay for dinner, you can graciously accept for the first couple dates—but after that, it’s time to reciprocate the offer.

5. Out with Your Family
In family situations, don't automatically assume that your parents will pick up the meal, even if they try. It’s common courtesy for employed, adult children to offer to pay the check at a family dinner. Expect that your parents may argue—and if you are determined to treat them, arrive in advance and give the server your credit card and request the bill come directly to you at the end of the meal.

While there are plenty of other potentially awkward payment situations, deciding who pays boils down to professionalism and social consideration. Be generous, be savvy, and when someone else insists on treating you—just be gracious.

What tricky bill paying situations have you handles yourself and how did you decide to pay the bill?


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