Tips to Prepare for The Corporate World as an Undergrad

I have a young sister in the University who usually mesmerizes me with her grand dreams of the future. She is just in her early 20's, sometimes I am envious of the grandiosity of the plans because they seem child like. You know I mean, we all build castles in the air and assume that 20 years from now I will be great and grand and oh what a splendid future it shall be. This lasts only until you step out of the University gate ( I admit some people don't wait that long but at least for some of us who have been spoon-fed in life and expect the grades to do the talking once you exit the stage of life), then the cookie crumbles like sand castles.

It's often said,  that your university years are the best times. Plenty of time to chat with friends and only worry about bundles, have no worry for end- of- month obligations like rent, food, stima, etc ( Respect to those who actually mind these in college- you are miles ahead of the pack), have no worry for kids or spouses and their feelings but be mindful  that: TIME is SHORT.

Now because of sibling rivalry, my sister may not really appreciate the pointers below but maybe you will.

Here are some tips to help you prepare for the corporate world even while still in college.

  1. Be a Proactive Learner- Let me tell you about me; I studied IT in my undergraduate and guess what? That's not my primary business out here in the corporate world. I pride myself as a very competent student; I read notes and pass exams and my brain helps me to conceptualize. The ugly truth is when I chose my major I hadn't thought about my reasons why; might have as well chose it on a roll of dice. I had no ambitions for this career. I had no particular interests in it but a delusion that i would get more passionate and IT is indeed the future ( See how the cookie crumbles). I always loved Journalism but by a twist of fate, I didn't pursue it. So it's greatly advisable to take stock of the course you are doing and understand what is your strong suit and pursue it fervently until something happens. Like the one time in High school I taught myself French by studying a book. I greatly wanted to be fluent in it and I achieved this. So in whatever topic of interest, find out the industry associations, the future of that through research and consulting with the specific lecturers in the same.If they know you are great/ passionate about something they will recommend opportunities or give excellent referrals.
  2. Create a new role: I love this young crop of you-tubers who have no experience in the real world and already bagging on  brand endorsements ( I salute you). Famous tweeps like Xtian Dela & Ian Mbunde have created roles for themselves in the arena of Social media  while older tweeps like myself are just now getting the hang of Twitter. The world of work is  dynamically changing with the use of technology, if there is something you are great at , do it and leverage social media for broad awareness. This why I never pass an opportunity to RT people who write ..This is My Work.....My employer is in your timeline! Guys am so envious.
  3. Be Engaged in the Extra curricular- Day schooling at the university is the worst. Thinking about it, I know that I missed several opportunities to engage because I had to rush home to do some chores and being a first born it's a bit of struggle to prioritize self development for the sake of others ( read siblings). But if you are able to please join in several after class activities. They come in handy to list some achievements in the CV like Chairperson of the French Club- ( 1 point for Leadership, 1 point for Communication) or winning at the National Basket ball team or Leading in the National Solo verse. If someone would've told me to do this for the sake of my future , I would've but you know for us introverts we'd rather keep off people and be silent.
  4. Prepare to sell Yourself- I brag a lot about Sales in this blog but this is something you should be  good at yourself. What this means is that you have to write your CV so well, it gets you a call back - you know the great activities you do in school will help, great recommendations from lecturers will help, do your hobbies make you likable? Bonus. Selling yourself means that you are very aware of trends in your field of study and be articulate about them. Avoid grammatical errors in CV( believe you or not there a lot of recruiters who are very irritable and such errors send your docs to the nearest trash) it spells unpreparedness, and then explain how you are a great fit to the organization. Also Selling yourself is about learning to be resilient- Knowing that even if you don't get a call back you are doing enough and you're just right. Don't despair.
  5. Having a business Network: Now there's LinkedIn which offers access to many people looking to connect, Thought leaders are on there and recruiters too. Join LinkedIn. Also assuming you had good relations with college mates, those who go before you can link you up with jobs and if God forbid the transition takes too long, class mates can hook you up. But again use technology to connect with people.
  6. Make money when you can: I wish I spent my evenings selling smokies in the estate, at least I would've saved up money for Safaricom Jazz Festival or to make my hair. I wish I would've learnt to bake a cake for weekend parties or written a blog instead of curling up to sleep. Every single dollar made affords you a little luxury that your parents may not afford because parents are always pressed for dough.
I know there are several other tips and I will update this list when I think of some ideas.
You are welcome to share your thoughts in the comment below of what would you tell your sibling in the university to prepare for the corporate World.



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